Teleprompter software for all video creators

*Android version is not ready for production use

Reasons to use QPrompt

Built with productivity, ease of use, and smooth performance in mind.
QPrompt is free teleprompter software that gets out of your way.

Be Present

Have your audience watch you say everything you need to speak to them. Plan your script to be respectful of their time. QPrompt will be respectful of yours.

Be Productive

With QPrompt you can search text, add markers, move quickly, and make changes on the fly. Spend less time making fixes or moving around to find what you need.

Make the most of your setup

QPrompt's convergent interface works with studio teleprompters, tablet teleprompters, webcams, and phones. It enables you to record faster, regardless of your setup.


  • Works with studio teleprompters, tablet teleprompters, webcams and phones
  • Paste from other software without hassle
  • Fluid motion, jitter free experience
  • Use markers to skip to anywhere on the script
  • Fast searching, with support for regular expressions
  • Make changes on the fly
  • Mirror screens
  • Background transparency allows you to monitor yourself or your audience as you speak
  • Estimates remaining time for you
  • Built in chronometer
  • Rich text formating
  • Progress indicator
  • Supports the writing systems of over 180 languages
  • Countdown, and auto-restart
  • Native software, for high performance
  • Runs on Linux, Windows, macOS, Android, and more
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Translate QPrompt

QPrompt brings fonts to support 182+ languages. Help others by translating QPrompt to your native language.

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Build QPrompt yourself

QPrompt is open source software, and has been from the start. Thanks to version tracking, can build almost any iteration in its history yourself.

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QPrompt is open source software, written in C++ and QML (declarative JavaScript). Code contributions are welcome with open arms.

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Help users make the most of QPrompt by contributing to our User Documentation. It's written out in the open and licensed FDL 1.3. To contribute, reach out to us via Discord.

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Share resources and tips about your setup. This forum is for all video creators and not limited to QPrompt.

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Share resources and tips about your setup. This forum is for all video creators and not limited to QPrompt.

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Be Excellent to Each Other

In engaging with QPrompt's community we should all “be excellent to each other", for being “bogus” is “most non-triumphant”.

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